This Place Matters
We are blessed with a well preserved, historic, thriving downtown. Many communities have not fared so well. Some people think preservation is about saving a building. I think it is about saving a town. The best way to save a building is to have a thriving community surrounding it. That’s the Main Street way. Good partners, good design, good promotions, lead to good businesses and a healthy community.
May is Preservation Month. Be on the lookout for the “This Place Matters” signs scattered throughout the Downtown Historic District. If you see a sign take a selfie with it and post it on your favorite social media platform using the #ThisPlaceMatters and #MainStreetDeLand hashtags.
Our Mural Committee has finally selected the muralist to do the mural honoring the life of Rufus Pinkney. We will do an unveiling ceremony to show the art to the community and to kick off our fundraising campaign in full force. Thanks to all who have already contributed to get us this far in the process. Look for more details in the West Volusia Beacon and on the Main Street Facebook page. Donations can be made online at or in person at the MainStreet DeLand office at 100 N. Woodland Blvd. Ste.4, DeLand, FL 32720.
April had a lot of exciting things going on in downtown including the ribbon cutting celebration on Georgia Ave. It’s great to be a part of a community that gets a chance to celebrate often. When a community works together good things happen.
May continues the fun with events like Wine, Women, and Chocolate on May 9th. May’s theme is “Flower Power” so you divas should dust off your hippie garb. Our growing Downtown Cruise-In is on the 16th. Our business meetings, Build Your Business Group, are on the first and third Thursday. Tech DeLand is on the 24th.
You can find all the good things happening downtown at or download the Downtown DeLand app on you smart phone. Search Distrx at your Apple or Google store. It’ll show you all kinds of fun things to do while you’re in DeLand.
See you Downtown!
Wayne Carter
Executive Director
MainStreet DeLand Association