Downtown CRA & Gateway Grant Programs

A detailed summary of each grant program and maps of the CRA and Gateway Districts are provided below or at the City of DeLand website.

DeLand Downtown CRA Facade Improvement Reimbursement Grant:

The City of DeLand Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) has created a Façade Grant program that is designed to assist businesses in rehabilitating store fronts. Matching Grants are available to downtown businesses or property owners within the downtown tax increment district for refurbishing facades. Eligible projects may receive Grant Awards of up to 75% of total project cost as a reimbursement for expenditures with no single grant exceeding $5,000. Only one grant may be used for a specific project. The grant program will be administered by the MainStreet DeLand Association. The MainStreet staff will assist applicants through the grant process, however it is the applicant’s responsibility to meet the requirements of the grant program and all applicable City regulations. 

DeLand Downtown CRA Lighting & Security Improvement Program:

The City of DeLand Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) has created a Lighting & Security Improvement Grant program that is designed to assist businesses in creating a safer, pedestrian friendly environment. Matching Grants are available to downtown businesses or property owners within the downtown tax increment district for creating or upgrading lighting and security at their businesses. Eligible projects may receive grant awards of up to 75% of total project cost as a reimbursement for expenditures, with no single grant exceeding $3,000. Only one grant may be used for a specific project. The grant program will be administered by the MainStreet DeLand Association. The MainStreet staff will assist applicants through the grant process; however, it is the applicant’s responsibility to meet the requirements of the grant program and all applicable City regulations. 

DeLand Downtown CRA Underutilized Building Reimbursement Grant:

The purpose of the Underutilized Building Fund is to provide incentives to encourage adaptive re-use of or the retrofit of facilities, and thereby eliminate vacant and/or underutilized buildings in the Tax Increment District of the City of DeLand. Eligible projects may receive awards of up to 75% of the total project cost with no single grant exceeding $60,000. The grant program will be administered by the MainStreet DeLand Association. The MainStreet staff will assist applicants through the grant process, however it is the applicant’s responsibility to meet the requirements of the grant program and all applicable City regulations. 

DeLand Downtown CRA Upper Floor Reimbursement Grant:

The City of DeLand Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) has created an Upper Floor Reimbursement Grant program that is designed to assist with rehabilitating and activating upper floors in the Downtown CRA district for residential and commercial purposes. Matching Grants are available to downtown businesses or property owners within the downtown tax increment district for refurbishing upper floors. Eligible projects may receive grant awards of up to 75% of total project cost as a reimbursement for expenditures, with no single grant exceeding $40,000. Only one grant may be used for a specific project. The grant program will be administered by the MainStreet DeLand Association. The MainStreet staff will assist applicants through the grant process; however, it is the applicant’s responsibility to meet the requirements of the grant program and all applicable City regulations. 

 Downtown CRA Map (PDF)


Gateway Business Improvement Grants (Overview)

Matching Grants are available to property owners for improving the appearance of businesses located within DeLand’s gateway districts. Eligible projects may receive Grant Awards of up to 50% of total project cost as a reimbursement for expenditures with no single grant exceeding $5,000. Only one project per premise (defined as a single parcel of property on the Volusia County Property Appraiser’s Records) may be submitted. Upon recommendation by the MainStreet Grant Committee and the City of DeLand Community Development Department, the City Commission may award larger grants for exceptional projects.

 Gateway Corridors Map (PDF)

Core Gateway Zone Map (PDF) 


Unless there are unusual circumstances, work on grant projects may not commence before the grant application is approved by the City, and required permits and forms filed with MainStreet Deland Association.

For further information please Stephanie Garcia Mullins, MainStreet DeLand Association at 386-738-0649 or contact Nick Conte, Economic Development Manager, City of Deland at 386-626-7021 or email