Rising to the Challenge
After a year of Covid-19 I’m very pleased to report that Downtown DeLand is still open for business. A lot of challenges were addressed and many solutions were found in 2020. Small businesses of all types shared in struggles and successes. 2020 was like a rollercoaster ride. It started off predictably enough, and then . . . BAM!
“Pivot” is the word a lot of people use when talking about the necessary changes that were needed. Most of us said something like “OMG (or worse!), I’ve got to figure this out.” And, figure it out we did in surprising numbers.
Your Downtown businesses found ways to help the community, ways to better market their businesses, and ways to better manage their businesses. If they were good at it in 2019, they are better at it in 2021. If they had to learn it, they found a way to do it. I’m proud of the way this business community came together to get through this crisis.
I’m also amazed at how much this community rose to the challenge. Supporting DeLand by shopping (and buying) local kept our restaurants, retailers and services in business. That is no small feat when compared to what is happening in other parts of the country. Thank you!
Even with immunizations becoming more readily available, we may not see our old “normal” anytime soon. In March we hosted our first Special Event in a year. The Florida Wildflower and Garden Festival helped us begin to work through what it takes to produce a Special Event in this era. On April 10th we will host the DeLand Craft Beer Festival. Other events are beginning to find their way on the calendar. Check out www.MainStreetDeLand.org for more information and to get Beer Fest tickets.
Other areas of our approach to revitalization are moving forward, too. Our Economic Vitality committee is working to find ways so that Downtown DeLand can benefit from the on again, off again, and now on again Sunrail when it comes to DeLand Station.
Building a thriving community does not happen by accident. Thanks go out to you and the many, many others that make the effort to ensure DeLand thrives. Your investment in your community shows every day. If you haven’t been downtown in a while, we hope you will join us soon. Our businesses continue to offer a safe and enjoyable environment for you.
See you Downtown,
Wayne Carter
Executive Director
MainStreet DeLand Association