Wayne Carter, Executive Director of Mainstreet DeLand, Mark Shuttleworth, lifelong preservationist and member of the Board of Directors for WVHS, Belinda Williams-Collins, Senior Planner for the City of DeLand, and preservationist and investor Roxanne Scalia will lead a lively discussion of local preservation initiatives, successes and challenges - particularly in the downtown historic district. Topics for discussion will include: current and future challenges to preservation – is it more difficult today; growth, economic development and the role of historic districts in preservation; how we encourage preservation through grants and training; and identifying resources to support and advocate for preservation. This is a program jointly hosted by MainStreet DeLand Association and West Volusia Historical Society. Free and open to the public. Preservation enthusiasts, investors, economic developers, and those wanting to learn more about preservation in our local community are encouraged to attend. 6 pm. Sanborn Activity Center, 815 S. Alabama Avenue, DeLand