May Is Going To Be Busy.

May just got busy for us and for you, I hope.  Two things.  VOTE, VOTE, and VOTE some more.  We are in the Quarter Finals of the America’s Main Street Contest.  Vote every day in May!  On the 28th we’ll learn if we make it to the top 10.  

Also, May is Preservation Month!  We will join the National Trust for Historic Preservation in their “This Place Matters” campaign.  Every day we will pick a place for a photo op in and around Downtown DeLand.  Share your pictures with us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.  Check our social media outlets for information.

2017 is off to such a good start I think it’s time for ice cream!  Fortunately, the spring edition of the DeLand Ice Cream Walk is on Friday May 12th in beautiful downtown DeLand.  Tickets are on sale now on the website, the Main Street office, and at the West Volusia Beacon office.  We only have 600 tickets available so don’t wait till the 12th to get them.  Thanks to our friends at Sweet Spot for helping us with the fun flavors.

May’s Wine, Women, and Chocolate will feature a Kentucky Derby theme so trade in your tiara for a fancy hat on Wednesday May 10th.  The Cruise-In is on the 20th.  Tech DeLand is on the 25th, and the Build Your Business Group is always on the first and third Thursday mornings.

Have you heard about our Downtown App?  Go to your Apple or Google store and search for the DISTRX app.  When you’re in DeLand, it is your app.  Travel to another great downtown and your likely find that towns app come up on your DISTRX screen.  Encourage your favorite downtown shops to sign up if they haven’t already!

Stay on top of everything going on by subscribing to our weekly eblast, “Like” us on FaceBook and get our App.  Or, visit us online at

See you Downtown,

Wayne Carter
Executive Director
MainStreet DeLand Association


MainStreet Wins 2017 America’s Main Street contest!


We Won!